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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Month Anniversary!!

It was May 31, 2011, that we flew from San Francisco to San Jose, CR, via Dallas. We left Vancouver, B.C., on May 27th, riding the rails on Amtrak's Cascades and Coast Starlight trains. This is a train trip well worth doing.

Our cat Genny was shipped from her vet, Cats at Home, in Cloverdale, B.C., flying from Vancouver to Houston, TX, where she overnighted in feline luxury, and completed her voyage the next morning, flying to San Jose, then being met there and delivered to Veteinarios Asociados in Santa Ana, where she boarded until we picked her up once we finished our business in San Jose and moved to Atenas. Many, many thanks to Angela and her wonderful crew at World Pet Travel for taking such good care of Genny. And thank you wonderful people at Cats at Home for preparing Genny for her trip. Also thanks to the staff at Veteinarios Asociados for caring for Genny after her arrival. She has adapted and settled into her new home and country very well.

What do we think of our new home? It is everything we thought it would be - Costa Rica is a beautiful country - and we have barely scratched the surface. We found a lovely home to live in for the next year; we explored San Jose for a week and it's such an interesting city, very historic. We are learning our way around on the buses - cheap transportation and a great way to meet the locals and do what they do. We are enjoying the town of Atenas, meeting our great neighbors, eating at the sodas, trying to speak Spanish, the weather is amazing, so is the bird, plant and animal life .......

To sum up, we are very happy with our decision to try a new life in Costa Rica.

Oh yes, a big thank you to all the expats who have helped us on this journey - you know who you are and we won't forget you.


Dan and Lisle said...

Congrats on the anniversary! I can tell you are settling into the rhythm of the country . have read the blog, but don't think I figured out how you decided on Costa Rica - love to hear that story sometime.

Diana Miskell said...

That's a good idea - I'll make that a subject soon.