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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Miscellaneous Happenings - In and Around Grecia

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One common occurrence in Costa Rica is people arriving at the gate of one’s house with something to sell. I have bought pens, a home made apron, etc., and last week Steven arrived. He has been here before selling baked goods that he and his wife make and sell. He’s really nice, as they all are.  He was carrying two large bins of different products. Steven’s English is virtually flawless. 

Regarding English speakers in Costa Rica. This seems to becoming the norm here. Since the time of our arrival in this country in 2011, the fluency of locals in English has improved far beyond our fluency in Spanish. I think this reflects that English as a second language is now being emphasized in Costa Rican schools.

In my view, the most important languages any child might be taught in school are English, Spanish and Chinese. I do Duolingo Spanish lessons every day but will never be fluent because of age. It’s a different story with young folks.

He actually had biscuits made with no sugar so I bought those. They are very good paired with my morning coffee. Also bought some flaky sweet rolls for Lance. He asked me to share his info wherever I can and I promised I would. So give him a call - he will deliver. Here is his info:

His contact information.

Sugarless biscuits on top, sweet buns on bottom.

Recently a neighbourhood cat has been visiting us. I don’t know exactly where her home is but it must be close by. She is in fine shape and obviously someone’s pet. This is not unusual in Costa Rica. Pets are often free to roam around and have a particular route that they follow and people that they visit.

She’s a lovely Siamese.

I have four orchids in bloom right now.

Guarianthe Aurantiaca (I have two of these).

Two phalaenopsis, different colours.

I finished a painting - “Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow”. Acrylic and Prismacolor pencils on Daler board, 24x18 ins. Photo reference courtesy of Terence Porter.

You can see more of my artwork here.

We had breakfast this morning at Victoria Cafeteria, a five minute drive from our house. This photo shows the view just a very short drive away from the restaurant.

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