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Saturday, January 8, 2022

Jack the Donkey

I was very honoured last year to be asked to do a memorial painting of Jack, the much loved pet of the Bowman family in Ontario, Canada. Here is the final painting:

It is acrylic on canvas panel, 18”x24”. Photo reference: Jack’s owner Kim Bowman. I received final approval yesterday, have signed it and will be applying two coats of varnish. When I am confident the varnish is completely dry, Jack will be leaving Costa Rica on his way to the Bowman family.

So how did Kim find me? I follow Farmer Tim on Facebook. He is a dairy farmer in southern Ontario and shares the daily life of a farmer and promotes the Canadian dairy industry.

Once a year, Farmer Tim dedicates a post to his followers thanking them for their support. If you have a business, product, charity, etc., this is your chance to advertise for free on his Facebook page. His posts reach over a million people each month. So I took advantage of this offer and posted the link to my art website which is here. Thank you, Farmer Tim.

Kim saw my link and contacted me, asking if I would paint Jack and of course I said yes. Her reference photo was at an interesting angle. As the painting progressed, I felt I was getting to know Jack and I wanted to smooch his soft velvety nose!

Thanks so much, Kim, for trusting me with your Jack.

Click on image to enlarge.

1 comment:

Diana Miskell said...

Thanks very much, Lynda. He has been well received by his family.