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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tropical Laundry Woes

My poor hammock! It has been reduced to being used to dry laundry!

Why, you ask? Because of an overabundance of mandarina oranges and cocos this year. We have two mandarina trees and they are fully loaded. The branches are hanging over and weighing down one third of my laundry line, as you can see on the left of the photo below. We have given away bushels of them, our fruit crisper is loaded and still they appear. The birds enjoy the upper oranges and ground critters eat the fallen ones. I slip and slide on the ones on the ground. Normally I could hang two sheets and some other things on this line.

See the cocos on the ground to the right of the sheet? If you had been standing there when they fell, I think you’d be in intensive care right now - or worse. These are seriously heavy. We’ve been experiencing strong winds for days now and that’s why they are falling. That bunch is too heavy for us to move - I think we’ll ask Jaime our gardener to hack them apart with his machete and he can take whatever he wants. It’s not so easy to cut open a coco - the green shell is covering the familiar brown coco inside. I’ve tried.

There are at least three more of these clusters up there. I worry about our Cat when he decides to sharpen his claws on this tree. I don’t want to hang any laundry under it in case one more bunch decides to fall when I am pinning up wet clothes. That’s why I hung some things on my hammock.


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