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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Eyes on Costa Rica and Weather Records - November 2019

During November, visits to this blog were received from the following 16 countries:

The following is a summary of weather for the month in the area where we live:

Compared to October, the amount of rain and the number of days with measurable rain in November was significantly less. This was one signal that the rainy or "green" season in Costa Rica was coming to an end.  Another was the occurrence of several days in succession where the weather was more characteristic of the upcoming dry season: relatively clear skies, low humidity, and breezy winds providing a cooling effect.

In my post regarding the weather in October, I mentioned that high and low temperatures are measured in a fully shaded area of our property. I also mentioned that the temperatures on our partially shaded patio where we spend much of our time tend to be 5 to 10 degrees (°F) higher. I did not say anything about temperatures inside our house and this raised some questions.

We do not record temperatures inside our house. However, I can say that daytime highs inside are normally cooler than outside highs (whether measured in the shade or on our patio) and overnight lows inside are normally higher than outside lows. This normality is achieved by leaving doors and windows open during the day and closed during the night. We have been obliged to turn on a cooling fan only on rare occasions.

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