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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Eyes on Costa Rica and Weather Records - January 2019

During January, visits to this blog were received from the following 16 countries:

Next is a summary of weather for the month:

The dry season continues. This was the second month in a row without any rain. Many trees lose their leaves during this time and produce large, brilliant blossoms in very bright displays of orange, yellow, purple, pink, and red - painted treetops. 

In this photo taken from our house, you can see a display of orange flowered trees in the distance. It doesn’t really do them justice as they need to be seen close up:

At one side of our house, we have Petrea volubilis (aka queen’s wreath, purple wreath, Choreque) blooming. This photo illustrates much better how intense the colours can be:

With regard to temperatures, the average overnight low has dropped compared to last month (December) and has been quite chilly by Costa Rican standards but nothing remotely approaching the “Polar Vortex” lows recently felt in Canada and the USA. Since last month, the average daytime high has risen.


Unknown said...

Hello Dianna, I just got back from a vacation in Costa Rica. I spent a few days in San Jose, and then went out to Tamarindo by bus. Unfortunately, I was struck with a flu from hell, and had to cut my vacation short, and get back to San Jose to catch a jet back to Victoria, B.C. One huge mistake I made coming back was to book a hotel in San Jose without heat! What a huge mistake that was. I never thought anything of it, when I booked it. Unusually, cold nights for sure. Five blankets from the hotel staff didn't cut it. Live and learn I guess.

Diana Miskell said...

Hi Gary - not nice getting sick on your vacation. Could you not have gone to a clinic here for treatment? I would be surprised if any hotel here has heating, unless they are high up in the mountains and might provide fireplaces. I hope you feel better now.

Unknown said...

Hi Diana, I ended up in arguably the best hospital in Costa Rica - Clinica Biblica, for a few hours. I did find one hotel with heat in downtown San Jose - EXE, and it has a fantastic location. It is four star, but still very reasonable at about $80 US a night. Unfortunately, I had pre booked my other hotel, and could not cancel the reservation. Anyway, I survived the ordeal, and am making plans to return to your wonderful new country.

Pura Vida, gary