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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Association of Residents of Costa Rica / El Residente Magazine

I often get questions about visiting and/or living in Costa Rica. Sometimes, I know the answer. Other times, I do not. However, if a question relates to rules, regulations, laws, procedures. etc., I have to express caution. There are frequent changes. What was true at one time, might not be true today - and I might not be aware of any changes.

The Association of Residents of Costa Rica (ARCR) is a first class source of more up to date information on a wide range of topics including residency requirements, dealing with government agencies and departments, real estate concerns, medical concerns, banking, insurance, medical plans, professional service recommendations, and many more.

A substantial amount of practical information and information of general interest appears in ARCR's El Residente magazine. It features articles on immigration, residency and the laws of Costa Rica and includes regular articles on learning Spanish, living in Costa Rica, retirement, and items of interest to foreigners in the country. The magazine is published six times a year both in hard copy and in digital form. The cover page of the current issue (January - February 2019) appears below.

Normally, the digital version of El Residente is emailed freely to ARCR members. Non-members can only gain digital access to past issues by going to ARCR's website. However, I was particularly impressed by the presentation and content of the current issue and obtained permission from ARCR to provide a link to the issue.

To view a downloadable PDF copy of the current issue click HERE.


Arlyn said...

Thank you for the issue of El Residente Magazine. I enjoyed reading the articles and found it informative.

Diana Miskell said...

I am so happy you found this post informative and interesting, Arlyn. Thank you!