We had to go to the Grecia municipal building recently to pay a parking ticket. Yes, bad me, I forgot to check my phone to see how much time was left on my elparking. Elparking is new to Grecia - it’s an app on my phone where I can reserve the parking space I am in, specify how much time I want to stay there and then immediately pay. The app will tell me when my time has run out and you can add as much time as you wish.
At the municipal building, I was treated like a queen - the sweet guard at the entrance took my ticket, sighed and said (my translation), oh no - a ticket, poor lady. He gave me a number, took me inside, found me a seat, showed me how to watch the tv screen to see my number come up. I was seated next to two Ticas.
Of course, I wasn’t paying attention when my number showed up and the two ladies took my ticket, looked at the number and told me what wicket to go to - smiling all the time. Of course I thanked them.
Even the ticket clerk was smiling. It was only 6,000 colones (roughly $12). I thanked the Ticas again when leaving. I thanked the guard, he smiled and said “luego” (later). I held up my receipt and said “no luego” (no later, not getting a ticket again!).
I’ve never had such a pleasurable experience paying a ticket before. So much politeness!
The people..My favorite thing about Costa Rica! While there I have been fortunate to experience kindness, generosity, and graciousness from many local residents.
I don’t know but I can foresee two possibilities. (1) the next time you go to renew your marchamo, you may be refused or declined because of some computer link between the parking ticket authoritity and the marchamo authorities. (2) If not, the next time you get a parking ticket from the parking authority, their simple response might to remove your car license plates. I recommend that you bite the bullet and pay the parking ticket. If you can afford to drive a car, you can afford to pay a parking ticket in this country.
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