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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Eyes on Costa Rica and Weather Records - July 2021 / Covid-19 Update

 Important Note: As promised in my last blog post, the video we have been putting together about our road trip to Arenal volcano is almost ready! There was a lot of footage that had to be edited. In the meantime, here are the weather records/Covid-19 updates.

During July, visits to this blog were received from the following 15 countries and Hong Kong:

The total number of countries and non-independent jurisdictions from which visits have been received remains at 133. Of this number, 13 are non-independent jurisdictions.

The following is a summary of weather for the month in the area where we live:

The total rainfall was less than that in July 2020 (13.77 in. / 350 mm) but substantially more than that in July 2019 (5.15 in. / 131 mm). High temperatures in July 2021 tended to be a bit higher than previous years - low temperatures tended to be a bit cooler. This may be because July was interrupted by a mini-summer ("verano") reminiscent of the dry season in Costa Rica (hotter days, cooler nights). Ten days in the middle of the month with absolutely no measured rain were bracketed by several days before and after with significant amounts of rain.

Covid-19 Update

The following table updates the July 6 information which appeared in my blog entry posted on July 8, 2021:

Since my last post, the death rates in Costa Rica and the United States have dropped by marginal amounts (0.03 and 0.06 percentage points respectively). Those in Canada are unchanged. 

If you want to see how some other country is doing in comparison to those listed, then visit the website of Worldometer. Numbers for populations, reported cases and reported deaths can be obtained from that site. All that is then needed is some simple math to calculate the percentage death rate for the other country and the death rate in that country compared to Costa Rica.

If you want more comprehensive and up-to-date information and statistics on the situation in Costa Rica, including various locales in Costa Rica, then the La Nacion newspaper is a good source. If you do not understand Spanish, then you will need a web browser (Google Chrome, Safari, etc.) which is set to translate to your language of choice from Spanish.


CMKL said...

Interesting statistics. The record high is more like January temps, as I remember it. Luckily, you're at a nice elevation with cool nights.

Diana Miskell said...

As it happens, that was right in the middle of the so-called “verana” (mini summer).