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Sunday, June 7, 2020

Eyes on Costa Rica and Weather Records - May 2020

During May, visits to this blog were received from the following 25 countries*:

The total number of countries from which visits have been received has risen to 130, the most recent being Suriname identified above. The source of the one visit from that country was Paramaribo (the capital city).

The number of countries for the month of May 2020 (25) is surprisingly high. In 2019, the number for May was 14.

* In this blog, I use the word "country" or "countries" rather loosely. For example, Hong Kong identified above is not an independent country. It is a special administrative region (SAR) of China.

The following is a summary of the weather for the month in the area where we live:

The rainy or "green" season has now ramped up - several days with at least some rain and one day with a deluge accompanied by severe lightning and thunder. Not untypically, that day began with a nice morning (broken clouds, light breezes) which continued until early afternoon. Then the skies darkened and the deluge began. More than 2 inches (2.5 centimeters) fell in the first hour, followed by an ongoing drizzle which lasted for a couple of hours.

Increased cloud cover in May led to daytime high temperatures being generally lower than those in April and overnight low temperatures being generally higher than those in April.

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