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Sunday, January 13, 2019

San Luis de Grecia

Today we decided to explore another of the five ridges running up to Poas volcano. This was San Luis de Grecia, which apparently is the highest ridge of the five.

San Luis is about 13 kms from our house on the usual twisty and climbing, but paved, road - until it ended at a rough looking dirt road. We turned around here and proceeded back down.

At an elevation of 4,800 ft to 5,000 ft (1,463 m/1524 m), the air is quite cool. The views are stunning, with coffee fincas everywhere. The volcanic ash enriched soils are perfect for growing coffee and other crops. When you look down into the valleys, everything is laid out in perfect order - hedgerows, fields, coffee. 

Here are a few photos.

Clouds hang over some areas:

I don’t do selfies but Lance took this photo of me:

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