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Thursday, November 8, 2018

New Tires

When we bought our Subaru almost a year ago, we knew that the rear tires would need replacing some time within the coming year. That “some time” came this week.

I had been shopping at the Maxi Pali store next to the Grecia mall and when I returned to the car, I saw that the left rear tire was flat. I know how to change a tire, but I couldn’t even lift the spare out of the wheel well. And who wants to change a tire anyway.

What to do, what to do. I called Lance and he suggested flagging down a red taxi and having the driver change the tire. This isn’t at all unusal here. Once we had an absolutely dead battery on a borrowed vehicle and Jorge came and removed the battery, took it to a shop he knew, and returned it the next day in working order.

So I waited until a taxi was dropping off a passenger and showed the driver my flat. He had it off and the spare on in ten minutes. I paid him for his time and efforts. He told me to drive directly to a gas station because the spare needed a bit of air. I did this, but the gas guy misunderstood me and also put air in the flat. Later that same day, we took our car to Llantas Algosa Ltda to have the flat looked at but it was holding air and they couldn’t find a problem with it. So it went back on and the spare came off.

The thought was that somebody had let the air out of the tire in the parking lot - this happens in tourist areas especially - and then they would offer to “help” and then steal something. Really highly unlikely in the Maxi Pali lot because there is a guard but I suppose it could happen.

I had to go out again the following day to Super Rosvil, parked, bought my groceries, returned to the vehicle and, yes, the tire was flat again. This time, three Rosvil managers came out to help me and the tire was changed in super fast time. They wouldn’t take any money and I must write and thank Super Rosvil for their employees’ immediate help.

Back to Llantas Algosa Ltda. The tire could not be repaired so we bought two new ones. Highly recommend Llantas Algosa - their speciality is tires, installation, alignment, etc. They have some high tech computer equipment for the alignments. Comfortable waiting room also. Nice people. The first time we were there they charged 1,000 colones to switch the tires (about $1.60 USD). 

Final cost for two new tires, plus installation, etc. - 76,000 colones ($122.00 USD).

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