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Monday, July 29, 2024

Shifting Mindset

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On May 29, 2023 and June 4, 2023 I did two posts regarding my injured left knee and how it was being treated by my orthopaedic surgeon here in Grecia -  Dr. Baltodano.

One of his recommendations was physical therapy which I still continue with to this day, only once a month now.

By March of this year I decided to see Dr. Baltodano again because the knee had improved to some degree but now I was experiencing pain in the right knee and right shoulder.

Physical exam followed, along with lab work, x-rays and ultrasounds. The results: “I just received your lab work results and effectively we are dealing with an important inflammatory response with a metabolic syndrome. It is imperative to consider the habit change recommendations since this condition is the cause of chronic medical conditions including arthritis”.

Dr. Baltodano spent an hour with me explaining how he arrived at his diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. This is the chart he drew for me as he was explaining:

Notice the sad face for triglycerides (bad fats) and the happy face for colesterol (good fats)! The habit change recommendations he mentioned were included in a five page document that he created. An anti-inflammatory diet: foods to avoid and foods to increase consumption of - low carb, no sugar. Very much like a Keto diet. Physical activity - weights/bicycle/swimming, etc. Avoid stressful situations. I also take various medications and supplements. Also regular IV infusions of vitamin C, xlipic (lipoid) acid and glutathione.

DO NOT change your diet or exercise program without approval from your health care provider. This is what is working for me and my cluster of medical conditions. It may not be right for you and in no way am I recommending any of this for anybody else. I’m writing this to give encouragement to people and let them know that they have the ability to make positive changes to their health.

My last blood work two weeks ago showed significant improvements. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Total colesterol is within normal limits, same with triglycerides. I’m hoping to put the rheumatoid arthritis into remission.

I have also joined a gym for strength training, which I really enjoy. It is close to our house, has modern equipment and trainers that know what they are doing.

I am more than impressed with the quality of health care in this country, both private and within the socialized medical system.

Dr. Baltodano sent me this WhatsApp message: “There’s still some things to improve. You’re on the right track. Sky is the limit. My total congratulations! And I applaud you. You are amazing. Step by step you’ve taken control of your health and you’ll keep on doing it. I exhort you to keep up the good work”.

And I will! With this kind of help and encouragement from my doctor and also from my husband, I can reach my health goals.

And so can you!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Hidden Gems

Click on images to enlarge.

Costa Rica is a country of roads that will take you to places that you never knew existed, even when you live close to them. Take any side road and see where it leads you.

I belong to a lot of different Costa Rica Facebook pages. They can be invaluable when searching for information and everyone is happy to share. 

Recently someone posted that they had found a new brunch restaurant not far from where we live. We’re always ready to try new restaurants. This one is named Briselas Brunch & Pizzeria. It is located on Calle Corinto, San Isidro, and is just 3.5 km from our house.

But wait! There’s more! The restaurant is across from Tennis-Gimnasio Webb. I have been looking for a good gym for a while. It had to have modern equipment, an on-site instructor and be close to our house and this place checked all the boxes. So I signed up and had my first session yesterday. Some light cardio and weights for strength training. The monthly rate is reasonable.

There’s still more! There’s a tennis court, a small wedding chapel and an event hall. I knew there were tennis courts because I saw their sign when we have driven down this road but never imagined what else was there.

Back to the restaurant. I took fotos of the menu but the first page came out blurry. Here is page two:

I ordered the limonada clásica:

And Lance chose a cafe latte.

Our meals - for me it was the huevos rancheros. The cast iron pan was sizzling hot:

With lightly toasted bread on the side, good for dipping in the ranchero sauce:

And Lance decided on the burrito desayuno:

The portion was extremely generous and we ended up taking half of the burrito home for breakfast the next day. Both meals were excellent.

The restaurant has gorgeous views:

In the field below us, workers were cutting sugar cane manually with machetes. This is hard, hard physical work.

Some interior views of the restaurant:

And …. on the driveway into this complex, I saw this:

It’s an outdoor aquarium complete with live fish!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Eyes on Costa Rica and Weather Records - June 2024

Click on images to enlarge.

During June, visits to this blog were received from the following 11 countries:

Each country is followed in brackets by the total number of visits received since records first started to be kept in November 2012.

From the time I started to keep track, the total number of countries and non-independent jurisdictions from which visits have been received remains at 136. Of this number, 13 are non-independent jurisdictions - e.g. the Caribbean Netherlands - which are special municipalities 
of the Netherlands and from which 3 visits have been received.

The following is a summary of weather for June in the area where we live:

The daytime high temperatures are shade temperatures. The average high in June was slightly lower than June last year. The average overnight low was slightly higher.

We have not been subjected to any "heat domes" as are now happening up north in the USA and Canada. Nor have we been subjected to ongoing torrential rainfalls. We get the occasional torrent, but it is typically short lived.

Information on current and recent weather conditions, climate change and more in various parts of Costa Rica can be obtained from the website of IMN: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica (Spanish) or National Institute of Meteorology (English). IMN also has a Facebook page which may be of interest.

ARCR (Association of Residents of Costa Rica) has recently published the 2024 July-August issue of its EL RESIDENTE magazine. Lance and I are members.

The magazine contains many articles and references which may be of general interest or to those planning a visit or move to Costa Rica.